Apple announced support for mobile driver’s licenses and state identification cards in Apple Wallet back in 2021, and Arizona was the first state to jump on board in 2022. Fast forward to now, and only eight states let you add a driver’s license or state ID to Apple Wallet on your iPhone and Apple Watch. It has been a slow rollout, but more states are coming or are at least showing interest.
When Apple first announced the feature, the company said it was working with Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah on implementing mobile IDs for residents. Arizona was the first state to launch IDs on Apple Wallet in March 2022, and Apple added Colorado, Hawaii, Mississippi, Ohio, and the territory of Puerto Rico to the list of those it was working with.
While six of the 13 states named above are still MIA in Apple Wallet, as of October 2024, eight states support Apple Wallet right now, and at least 21 states, districts, and territories are looking into supporting Apple Wallet. You can see the complete list below.
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The Benefits of Mobile Driver’s Licenses and IDs
Mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs) and mobile IDs (mIDs) have multiple benefits, which vary from state to state. You may also see digital, virtual, or electronic used to describe them instead of mobile, terms used interchangeably in this guide.
Currently, digital IDs for 11 issuing states can be scanned by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at airport security checkpoints, but only at specific TSA checkpoints. The TSA can also scan mDLs and mIDs from state pilot programs, such as Virginia’s.
Some states require law enforcement to accept an mDL in lieu of a physical card. Other people who may accept them based on where you live include notary publics, used car dealers, and store clerks. Other possibilities include buying age-restricted products at self-checkouts, applying for government benefits, and (less likely) voting.
List of States with mDLs in Apple Wallet
Since Arizona’s enrollment, only seven other states have allowed you to add driver’s licenses or state identification cards to Apple Wallet. Those are California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, and Ohio.
List of States with mDLs Coming Soon to Apple Wallet
California driver’s licenses and state IDs were the most recent addition to Apple Wallet. Still, other states have been pegged to support mDLs and mIDs in Apple Wallet in the near future. For example, Virginia has already started a pilot program for its own app and is said to be working with Apple to support Apple Wallet, too.
- Virginia [VA] — In 2017, HB 2229 was signed into law by the governor, authorizing, but not requiring, the DMV to issue electronic credentials to persons with valid physical credentials. In 2020, the DMV stated that it had not yet implemented electronic credentials “due to budget considerations and ongoing industry study on standards and best practices for electronic credentials nationwide.” It also said that its vendor at the time would end on Dec. 14, 2022, and that it would incorporate mDLs into the contract with the next vendor. In 2022, HB 506 sought to require electronic credentials, but it was left in the Transportation Committee. However, § 46.2-226 and § 46.2-229 of Virginia law already state that the DMV “may” issue mDLs and operate a verification system, so nothing is stopping them. In mid-2023, the Virginia DMV Director of Communications stated that Virginia’s mID app would launch in late summer or early fall of the same year, but it first launched in the App Store on April 1, 2024. As of September 2024, it’s still listed as a test program. Apple Wallet status: According to its mID FAQ, Virginia is working with Apple to support Virginia driver’s licenses and ID cards in Apple Wallet in “the near future.”
Additionally, in a Sept. 19, 2024, press release, Apple confirmed that Montana, New Mexico, and West Virginia have all committed to bringing mDLs to Apple Wallet. However, no timeline was given.
Considering other states and territories that have committed to Apple Wallet in the past, like Connecticut, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Puerto Rico, we all know that nothing is quick and nothing is for certain. However, all three states have made progress toward one day supporting mDLs.
- Montana [MT] — In 2023, HB 519.1 was signed into law by the governor. It states that mDLs will be acceptable alternatives to physical driver’s licenses starting Sept. 1, 2025. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since Sept. 19, 2024. Hopefully, Montana can get everything squared away for Apple Wallet by or shortly after the September 2025 deadline.
- New Mexico [NM] — In February 2024, SB 88 was signed into law by the governor, authorizing the MVD to offer free mDLs to residents. It’s still in the nascent stages, as the state still needs to enter into agreements with digital wallet providers, which it seems to have recently done with Apple. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since Sept. 19, 2024. However, there is no known timeline for completion.
- West Virginia [WV] — The DMV is currently developing the West Virginia Mobile ID app, which will let you store your mDL on your mobile phone. In Jan 2024, the governor’s office said it expected the app to launch in the spring, but another source said it would be in September. On Sept. 23, it was reported that the TSA was running field tests of West Virginia’s mDL. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since Sept. 19, 2024.
Apple’s press release also stated that Japan has also signed on to bring My Number Card to Apple Wallet — the first international ID to be supported in Apple Wallet.
List of All Other States and Their mDL Progress
As of August 2024, at least 18 other states, districts, and territories have shown interest in using Apple Wallet as their primary or secondary means of issuing and storing virtual driver’s licenses and IDs on mobile devices.
Others have shown no interest in using Apple Wallet for mDLs but still support digital identification options, some of which already have them via standalone apps or other wallet providers. Some states, districts, and territories have shown no interest in mDL programs that we are aware of.
- Alabama [AL] — Previously issued mDLs as passes in Apple Wallet but no longer does. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Alaska [AK] — In July 2023, the DMV sought information from qualified vendors who provide mDL systems. In September 2023, the DMV asked for proposals to develop a new driver’s license and identification card system for the state, which would also be capable of issuing and maintaining mDLs. It sounds like the state wants to start with a standalone app. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Arkansas [AR] — Will send you a digitized copy of your driver’s license for $10. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Connecticut [CT] — Exploring mDLs but no recent progress updates. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since 2021.
- Florida [FL] — Previously issued mDLs via the Florida Smart ID app but removed the app to look for new vendors to partner with. A new app is expected in early 2025. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Idaho [ID] — In January 2024, Rep. Stephanie Mickelsen, in collaboration with the Transportation Department, was drafting a bill regarding mDLs that she hoped to introduce during the 2024 legislative session. The bill has yet to be introduced. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Illinois [IL] — In August 2024, HB 4592 was signed into law by the governor. The secretary of state’s office must implement a digital ID system. Illinoisans can begin carrying digital ID cards as early as Jan. 1, 2025. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- Indiana [IN] — In 2019, HB 1506 was signed into law by the governor. The BMV initially said mDLs would be available by mid-2019. As of January 2024, the BMV is still trying to identify the best solution. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- Kansas [KS] — In February 2024, HB 2762 was introduced, hoping to kickstart digital driver’s licenses and ID cards. The bill died in committee in April. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Kentucky [KY] — Nothing concrete has really happened on the subject in Kentucky since a proposed bill in 2015 asked for a feasibility study. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since 2021.
- Louisiana [LA] — Supports mDLs via the LA Wallet app. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Maine [ME] — The 2024–2028 Strategic Plan by the BMV acknowledges that it will “eventually need to offer” an mDL) option. In 2017, LD 1577 sought to allow mDLs in electronic form, but the bill didn’t go anywhere. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Massachusetts [MA] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Michigan [MI] — In 2023, SB 459–461 sought to create an mDL program, requiring the secretary of state’s office to issue digital driver’s licenses and state IDs. The bill is currently assigned to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Minnesota [MN] — In March 2024, HF 4900 and SF 5212 seek to establish electronic driver’s licenses in the state. The bills still need to be reviewed and voted on. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Missouri [MO] — Previously issued mDLs via the Missouri Mobile ID app but removed the service to look at new services and regulations. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- Nebraska [NE] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Nevada [NV] — In 2021, SB 204 was signed into law by the governor, authorizing the DMV to issue a card, certificate, or license in electronic form. At the time, DMV officials said digital driver’s licenses could become a reality in two to four years. However, there have been no updates on mDLs since. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- New Hampshire [NH] — In 2023, the DMV sought to replace aspects of its driver’s licensing system — the proposal request asked for separate mDL cost details if available. There have been no updates on mDLs since. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- New Jersey [NJ] — Proposed bills in 2021 on the subject stalled, but updated efforts in 2024 bring it back up, requiring the MVC to develop an mDL service. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- New York [NY] — Supports mDLs via the New York Mobile ID app since mid-2024. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- North Carolina [NC] — In July 2024, HB 199 was signed into law by the governor, authorizing mDLs. It allows residents to get a digital license starting as early as July 2025. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- North Dakota [ND] — In 2021, HB 1072 was signed into law by the governor, authorizing mDLs. ND has not implemented anything yet, but as of May 2023, the Driver’s License Division said its “best starting point is to partner with Apple and Google.” There are plans to launch mDLs in 2025. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- Oklahoma [OK] — Previously issued mDLs via the now-decommissioned OK Mobile ID app after a DOJ investigation found that it violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since 2021.
- Oregon [OR] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Pennsylvania [PA] — Introduced in May 2023, HB 1247 calls for the BMV to issue mDLs and allow residents to show virtual IDs on mobile devices. While it hasn’t been passed yet, discussions continued at the last House Transportation Committee meeting in March 2024. Unsurprisingly, the company behind the Mobile ID platform that other states use suggested PA build its own app first before considering Apple Wallet or Google Wallet. No decisions have been made on that front. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- Rhode Island [RI] — In December 2023, the DMV’s assistant administrator said the mDLs were on its radar but also implied it was waiting for more services to accept mDLs for identification. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- South Carolina [SC] — According to the DMV, a 2022 mDL study was underway in the state. In late 2022, the DMV further said it was exploring mDL service providers, including Apple Wallet. Since then, there haven’t been any clear updates on the study’s progress. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- South Dakota [SD] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Tennessee [TN] — In early 2024, SB 2661 and HB 2792 sought to require the Department of Safety to create and implement “a secure digital license system for the issuance of digital driver licenses and photo identification licenses upon request.” While it appears to have stalled, it may be because the Department of Safety was already looking into creating mDLs. As of March 2024, they are finalizing the program, with details coming soon. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
- Texas [TX] — In May 2023, HB 71 sought to establish a program for the issuance of digital identification no later than Feb. 1, 2025. The bill is currently assigned to the Senate Transportation Committee. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Utah [UT] — Supports mDLs via the GET Mobile ID app. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since 2021.
- Vermont [VT] — In June 2023, S.99 was signed into law by the governor, allowing residents to store driver’s licenses, learner’s permits, and state ID cards on mobile phones. No updates are available. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Washington [WA] — In 2023, HB 5105 was introduced to authorize digital driver’s licenses on mobile phones, but it’s still assigned to the Senate. However, a workgroup was funded in 2023 to seek information from law enforcement, privacy groups, and other states. The report is due by Dec. 1, 2024. Sen. Mark Mullet hopes to pass an mDL bill sometime in 2025. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Wisconsin [WI] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
Federal Districts
- District of Columbia [D.C.] — In February 2022, D.C. Law 24-72 became effective, giving the DMV the authority to issue mDLs and residents the option of using mDLs instead of physical IDs. The last known update states that the DMV is still working to develop the feature. Apple Wallet status: being considered.
U.S. Territories
- American Samoa [AS] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Guam [GU] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Northern Mariana Islands [MP] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
- Puerto Rico [PR] — Supports mDLs via the CESCO Digital app. Puerto Rico’s VACU ID is also accessible via the app and can be added to Apple Wallet. Apple Wallet status: listed as an upcoming participating state since 2022.
- U.S. Virgin Islands [VI] — No known mDL interest. Apple Wallet status: unknown.
Adding Your Mobile Driver’s License to Apple Wallet
The process for adding your mobile driver’s license or state ID to Apple Wallet is relatively easy. It requires an iPhone 8 or newer with iOS 16.5 or later. If you have an Apple Watch, you’ll need Series 4 or newer with WatchOS 9.5 or later. However, you’ll need an iPhone XS or newer with iOS 17.5 or later, or an Apple Watch Series 4 or newer with at least watchOS 10, if you live in California.
First, either go to Settings » Wallet & Apple Pay » Add Card or tap the plus (+) button at the top of the Wallet app on your iPhone.

Select “Driver’s License or State ID” from the list of options, then tap on your state’s name. If your state is not listed, it’s not yet compatible with Apple Wallet.

After you select your state, it will let you know that:
Your identity information and additional verification information you submit when adding an ID will be used by Apple and your state issuing authority to prevent fraud. See how your data is managed…
Tap the “Continue” button to begin scanning your driver’s license or state ID.

However, when a state is new to Apple Wallet, you may see the following instead. If so, tap “Notify Me,” and you’ll receive a notification when you can add yours.
Thank you for your interest in adding your driver’s license to Wallet. Due to high volume, the service is currently busy. Do you want to be notified when it becomes available?
Scan the front of your card, using the movement indicators provided to help you position it correctly in the frame, then hit “Continue” or “Scan Again.” Repeat this process for the back of your ID card. If Wallet believes the scan to be incorrect, you’ll see a dialog letting you know the ID was not captured with options to “Rescan” or “Continue Anyway.”
Once you hit “Continue” after scanning the card’s rear, Wallet will submit the data to an identity verification service used by your state’s bureau of motor vehicles (BMV), department of driver services (DDS), department of motor vehicles (DMV), motor vehicle administration (MVA), or motor vehicle division (MVD) — or another government agency that administers motor vehicle registration and driver licensing — to confirm your identity. Apple will not see this information.

If you change your mind, you can hit “Cancel” at any time during the scanning process to back out of adding your ID to Apple Wallet.
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