
Short interest in Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE:HPE) increased by 19.9% in December.

There was a noticeable increase in the number of short positions that Hewlett-Packard Enterprise took up in December (NYSE: HPE). As a result, the number of borrowed shares increased by 19.9% from November 30, when there were 25,150,000 shares borrowed, to December 15, when there were 30,160,000 shares borrowed. Because 14,400,000 shares are traded daily, the short-interest ratio currently stands at 2.1 days. This figure was calculated as a result of the fact that the stock is actively traded. At the moment, short sales account for 2.4% of the total shares outstanding in the company.

The price of a share of HPE on the NYSE reached $15.96 at midday on Friday, up $0.04 from where it had been trading earlier. The number of shares traded by the company was 9,396,493, significantly less than the daily volume of 12,278,483 shares it normally deals with. Over the past 50 days, the stock has traded at a price of $15.39, while over the past 200 days, the price has averaged $14.13. The quick ratio is 0.66, the current ratio is 0.88, and the debt-to-equity ratio is 0.39. All of these numbers are relative to the total amount of debt. Therefore, all these figures should be interpreted in light of the overall sum owed. The company’s market capitalization is currently estimated to be $20.46 billion, and it has a PEG ratio of 2.53, a price-to-earnings ratio of 24.18, and a beta value of 1.23. Hewlett-Packard Enterprise’s lowest price over the past year is $11.90, and the highest price the company has been at over the past year is $17.76.
Several analysts have concentrated on equity research and have provided their feedback on the stock. Loop Capital increased its price objective on HPE stock on Monday, December 5, in a research report issued that day. The new price objective is $17.00, increasing from $14.00. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, in a research report that was made public on November 30, increased their price target on shares of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise from $15.00 to $16.00. In a research note distributed on Wednesday, November 30, Susquehanna Bancshares raised its price objective on Hewlett-Packard Enterprise from $15.00 to $16.00 and rated the company “neutral.” KGI Securities changed their recommendation on Hewlett-Packard Enterprise on Tuesday, October 18, moving it from “outperform” to “neutral.” This change was made public in a research note distributed on the same day.
Last but not least, in a research note published on November 30, Morgan Stanley increased their price objective on shares of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise from $12.00 to $13.00 while maintaining their “underweight” rating on the stock’s outlook. The research note was eventually made public. Six analysts have given the company a recommendation to buy its stock; five analysts have recommended that the company’s stock be held; and two analysts have recommended that the company’s stock be sold. According to the information made available by Bloomberg, the stock is currently rated “Hold” on average. In addition, analysts have established a price objective for the stock with a consensus of $17.00 as the target price.
The company will make a public statement regarding the payment of a quarterly dividend on January 13, according to a recent announcement that was just made public by the company. On Thursday, December 15, shareholders of record on Wednesday, December 14, will be eligible to receive a dividend payment of $0.12 per share. The date that stockholders can turn in their shares for payment instead of receiving this dividend is December 13, a Tuesday. This equates to a dividend payment of $0.48 per year and a yield of 3.01% on the stock. If we look at it on an annualized basis, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise currently pays out 72.73% of its earnings as dividends to shareholders.

In other news, on Tuesday, October 25, Executive Vice President Neil B. Macdonald sold 2,452 shares of company stock. This was reported in the press. The transaction was completed. As a consequence of the sale of the shares, the total value of the transaction was determined to be $33,347.20, which is equivalent to a price of $13.60 for each share. As a result of the successful completion of the transaction, the executive vice president is now the owner of 9,360 company shares, each of which has a value of approximately $127,296. The Securities and Exchange Commission was given legal documentation about the transaction, which can be viewed entirely by following the link provided in the previous sentence. The documentation was provided to the SEC. According to reports from other sources regarding Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Executive Vice President Justin Hotard sold 45,306 shares of the company’s stock on Tuesday, December 13. This information was disclosed in another piece of news about the company. The price of each share was determined to be $16.38, which resulted in a total sale volume of 742,112.28 dollars and an average price per share of $16.38. After the sale was finalized, the executive vice president became the proud owner of 13,788 shares of the company. The total value of these shares is $225,847.44, so the executive vice president can now take pride in his newfound wealth. If you follow this link, you will be taken to the filing submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission, where the transaction was discussed, and it will take you there immediately. In addition, Neil B. Macdonald, Executive Vice President of the company, sold 2,452 shares on October 25.
As a consequence of the sale of the shares, the total value of the transaction was determined to be $33,347.20, which is equivalent to a price of $13.60 for each share. After the completion of the sale, the executive vice president gained direct ownership of 9,360 shares of the company’s stock. Based on the current market price, these shares have a value of approximately $127,296. Disclosures that are related to the sale might be found in this section of the website. Insiders of the company have collectively made $4,467,880 by selling 285,890 shares over the most recent ninety days. 0.45% of the total number of shares in the company are owned privately by employees and other company insiders.

Recently, several hedge funds have either increased the amount of HPE stock they are currently holding in their portfolios or reduced the amount of HPE stock that they are currently holding. Hewlett-Packard Enterprise stock owned by Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. increased by 10.8 percent during the first three months of 2018. After making an additional 7,285 share purchase during the most recent quarter, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. increased the technology company’s stock, which resulted in the stock’s value increasing to $1,249,000. Because of this most recent acquisition, the business now has 74,736 shares of the parent company’s stock. In the first three months of 2018, Cetera Advisors LLC added 4.4% more Hewlett-Packard Enterprise stock to its holdings, bringing the total percentage of HPE shares it possessed to 98.4%. Cetera Advisors LLC now has 37,629 shares of the technology company’s stock, valued at $629,000, thanks to the acquisition of 1,592 additional shares during the most recent fiscal quarter. Natixis Advisors L.P. increased the amount of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise stock owned by 34.2% during the first three months of 2018. After making an additional purchase of 65,407 shares during the most recent quarter, Natixis Advisors L.P. now owns a total of 256,899 technology company shares, which are currently valued at $4,293,000. The Bank of Montreal increased the amount of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise stock owned by 29.7% during the first three months of 2018. Bank of Montreal now has a total of 1,497,640 shares of the technology company’s stock, which are currently valued at $25,879,000 after the company made an additional purchase of 343,216 shares during the preceding quarter. And finally, during the first three months of this year, D.A. Davidson & CO. increased the amount of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise stock owned by 12.6%. D.A. Davidson & Co. now owns 16,151 shares in the company, which have a value of $270,000 thanks to the recent purchase of an additional 1,809 shares in the technology company during the most recent quarter. D.A. Davidson & Co.’s investment in the company is valued at $270,000. The vast majority of the company’s shares are held by institutional investors and hedge funds to the tune of 81.36%.


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