
Sachin Chawla,MongoDB on how nurturing developer talent can solve tech industry’s ‘widening’ problem, CIO News, ET CIO

By Sachin Chawla

The 21st century has seen massive changes in the way we invent, use and build technology. It’s also seen technology and digitization drive a bigger portion of our economic growth each passing year.

At the heart of this transformation is one often overlooked but crucially important group of employees and innovators: developers. Without them, there are no apps, no smartphones, no video calls and certainly no one-click delivery. With their undeniable influence over growing technology areas such as AI, ML, IoT, and cybersecurity, developers are turning out to be prized assets in organizations. Concurrently, there is a demand-supply gap issue plaguing developer talent—reining this in is evidently critical to the industry’s prospects.

Almost unquestionably, nurturing developer talent must figure high in organizations’ business agendas.Listening to developers with a keen ear, understanding their challenges and working towards resolving them, valuing their contributions, and making them feel at home is essential—not only in addressing the larger problem of the talent gap but helping organizations innovate and stay relevant.

Technology is flourishing

Amid worrying aspects like a fall in salaried employees and unrecovered urban unemployment, there is good news. Overall, India has one of the lowest global demand-supply gaps in tech talent as a percentage of supply, standing at around 21% in 2021, according to a recent NASSCOM report. The report details other positives for the country, such as the high reskill ability index (how fast developers learn new skills) and the rising real wage in the IT sector. Meanwhile, the government is supporting digitization and emerging tech through several initiatives, including the open-network-based India Stack, formulation of centers of excellence, and plans for broadening the AI ecosystem. All of this activity will require software to accomplish the tremendous scope envisioned, further thrusting developers under the spotlight. The global opportunity is massive, and India is well placed to capitalize on it.

It’s all about finding the right talent and holding on to them

Web and application development still offers the most opportunities as digitization gathers pace and mobile applications proliferate secondary and tertiary markets. However, opportunities are arising in many new-age fields such as the IoT, AI/big analytics, cybersecurity, and more. Natural language processing, deep learning, healthcare IoT development, cloud architecture, and cloud automation are also among the fields generating this demand surge.

The challenge for organizations is to find developer talent that specializes in these specific areas and empower them to remain relevant in those fields. Technology is evolving very quickly, and it can be hard to catch up, especially as dev teams are already under a lot of workload pressure to simply keep the lights on.

The challenge for organizations, then, is to find ways—through technology tools, training, and culture—to keep their dev talent happy so they won’t look for another job six months after joining the company.

Responding to the developer empowerment and retention conundrum

1. Finding the right talent, empowering developers, and keeping them happy in their job and committed to the organization can be addressed in many ways. In my career, some of the tactics I’ve seen be most effective include:
Building an inclusive and innovation-led culture: With India boasting a robust start-up ecosystem and steadily climbing the global start-up ecosystem index, it is paramount that developers are treated as a priority and given the best environment to work in. Rather than being seen as the “tech guys in the background,” they need to be put front and center of the innovation agenda. That starts by including them in wider business conversations, giving them a voice and showing them how important their ideas and input are, and actually taking those into account.

This could be done by-

  • Giving developers the tools and support to experiment fast, thus fostering innovation.
  • Not demanding success at every turn—innovation is born out of failure; developers shouldn’t be fazed by it
  • Including developers in business discussions by creating greater collaboration between them and other teams (including the leadership team and line of business leaders).

    2. Making their life easier with the right technology tools: Often, developers run into tech debt, complex legacy data architectures, and very different frameworks, toolchains, and programming languages that make their life harder than it has to be and impede their productivity. Organizations must empower developers by letting them work with tools that will remove this unnecessary complexity as well as obstacles such as fragmented developer experiences and undifferentiated work. Developers who are more productive and don’t have to struggle with data complexity will have more time to innovate, build products and features more quickly, and develop skills faster, which will overall lead to making their job much easier and enjoyable

3. Providing sufficient training and development: India must constantly reskill its core tech workforce if it wants to reap the benefits of these areas of tech, such as IoT, AI, ML/LP, cybersecurity, and more, that will keep expanding and evolving (quickly) in the next decade. The country has a massive STEM graduate pool with computer science and IT knowledge, but according to the NASSCOM report, over 60% need further upskilling to be employable. While courses in AI/ML, blockchain, cybersecurity, and cloud are gaining prominence, regularly updating and overhauling academic syllabuses to be more practical-oriented can ensure prospective professionals will be fit for the industry’s demands. But it is also an organization’s responsibility to provide its developer teams with comprehensive, up-to-date learning and development programs.

4. Management with care: We’re seeing a rise in developers with relatively less experience quitting their jobs in search of more flexible opportunities, citing a lack of time and resources to work on quality projects as a primary reason. This can also often be attributed to poor management and a lack of understanding from top-level management and “old-world” managers who are still operating with outdated management models. This can lead to roadblocks that affect productivity and job satisfaction. Leaders must realize that adopting a more collaborative approach that is less hierarchy-centered and building decisions and protocols around developers’ comfort levels can dramatically increase efficiency and, ultimately, outcomes for the company. With most developers being a part of Gen Z, organizations must reach across the generational gap and speak their language. Effectively managing them will require clear communication, allowing flexibility, not discrediting their autonomy, and acknowledging unorthodox ideas.

Show developers love

Companies must rethink their organizational culture and how developers are considered and seen by the wider business if they’re to set their business up for long-term success. Abandoning corporate sterileness and speaking openly to developers to acquaint them intimately with the business is a non-negotiable to operate efficiently in today’s digital era. As for attracting the best talent, think of bottom-up empowerment and planning free of micromanagement. Above all, build trust—trust your developer teams to execute top-level strategies and to be able to choose the best tech to do so. And finally, hold developers to the highest standards—it conveys respect, acknowledges their responsibilities, and keeps them content. And there’s nothing quite like a happy developer.

The author is Vice President & GM at MongoDB APJ

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