
News & Star Facebook Camera Club pictures from readers

These are the top three.

Mark McCarthy’s image of swans with their cygnets.

Mark McCarthy's image of swans with their cygnetsMark McCarthy’s image of swans with their cygnets (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

Jonny Gios’ close-up of a Red Arrow in the Lake District.

Jonny Gios' close-up of a Red Arrow in the Lake DistrictJonny Gios’ close-up of a Red Arrow in the Lake District (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

Kathleen Stobbart shared this picture from Ings down St John’s in the Vale.

Kathleen Stobbart shared this picture from Ings down St John’s in the ValeKathleen Stobbart shared this picture from Ings down St John’s in the Vale (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

To join our camera club, search ‘News & Star Camera Club’ on Facebook.


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