
Urgent demand for WASPI compensation as flood of MPs back proposal | Personal Finance | Finance

A motion in Parliament calling for a “proper plan” to compensate the WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) generation of women has gained more than 80 signatures.

The early day motion (EDM) tabled by Liberal Democrat MP Wendy Chamberlain calls for the House of Commons to note “the losses borne by 1950s women as as result of maladministration by the Department for Work and Pensions” and “urges the Government to honour the recommendations of the Ombudsman, and come forward with a proper plan to compensate these women”.

A total of 82 MPs have signed the motion at the time of writing including dozens of Lib Dem MPs as well as members from Plaid Cymru, the Green Party, the SDLP and the SNP.

The motion also had the backing of four Labour MPs – one of them was John McDonnell, who has since been suspended from the party after he voted to scrap the two-child benefit cap.

An EDM is a motion submitted for debate in the Commons where a date has yet to be arranged for a debate.

Many EDMs are never debated but they provide an opportunity to raise awarness of an issue and show how many MPs back a cause.

WASPI chair, Angela Madden, said of EDMs: “They very rarely result in a substantive vote unless the Government of the day want it to be, but they’re really a vehicle to keep our issue alive and talked about in Parliament.

“Not all of them result in debates but some of them do. The debate can be had, and even if there’s a vote at the end, unless the Government chose to play, that votes doesn’t matter.

“But it’s an indication of how many MPs in the house support whatever the EDM is about. It’s a useful tool for garnering support because it’s something MPs can sign of they are supportive.”

The WASPI compensation question was previously debated in the Commons just two months ago during the previous Parliament.

The campaigners had a huge boost in March when the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman released a report giving their view that the women should get compensation, and calling on Parliament to take up the issue.

A bill was also put forward to set out a compensation scheme during the previous Government but this only reached its second reading.

Ms Madden has issued a deadline for the Labour Government to take action on the WASPI controversy.

She said: “Stephen Timms, then as Chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, rightly said compensation proposals should be brought before Parliament before the Summer.

“Then Sunak pulled the plug and held an election, which has delayed things still further. But by his own logic, there must surely now be a resolution on the table by September if he was expecting Tory ministers to come up with their response by the end of this month.

“Too many women have already died waiting for politicians act. It’s now crunch time.”

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