
Apple is inventing a reality distortion field – Computerworld

Movies you can walk through

Combine all these ingredients and, in theory, the breakthrough Apple might achieve could involve the creation of tech that can both understand images, and also add to them. After all, if you know that object A is in one position and object B in another, you can more easily deliver the illusion of walking between or even behind those objects to a Vision Pro user. 

Generative AI (genAI) solutions already exist that can create video or image “fakes,” but to what extent can the computer exploit its knowledge of depth of field to generate 3D experiences in which you can literally walk behind the objects you see? And how could those technologies be applied to the viewing experience of watching Apple’s Submerged movie?

Even as it is, the experience of being in a sinking submarine is immersive in both senses of the word — but being able to find your own viewpoint within that action in high fidelity would realize every video gamer’s dreams. It would certainly sell a few movies.


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