
Can AI predict your love life? The algorithms you need to know | Tech News

Is AI the key to a perfect match? (Picture: Getty)

Love is just a numbers game, so they say. 

It’s often romanticised as chance, being in the right place at the right time, meeting the right person or experiencing a meet-cute, rom-com style. 

But as Valentine’s Day arrives, is there a way to work the numbers in your favour?

Well, that’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in. 

As we know, AI is being used for all sorts these days, from out-of-this-world applications to help find extra-terrestrial life, to creating digital toddlers and mimicking the voice of politicians

But is it as effective in helping us find love? 

Well, that depends on what you’re looking for.

Dr Igor Khalatian, founder and CEO of Iris Dating, says his app helps users find their perfect match through a series of simple steps to teach the AI who floats their boat.

Time to match (Picture: Getty)

‘We build an algorithm just for you by learning your tastes and we predict who you find attractive, and then we show those people to you,’ Dr Khalatian tells

‘We want you to find a real person who also happens to be the person of your dreams.’ 

The app uses predictive AI, rather than the generative AI which has been making headlines and prompting warnings of extinction.

‘If, for example, Spotify was using generative AI, it would just generate music and we will just listen to that music,’ says Dr Khalatian. 

‘But Spotify is using predictive AI so it actually learns your taste, and plays the music you like.’ 

However, generative AI could have a place in dating too, if you’re looking to farm out the awkward chat.

Dating app Teaser AI, from the team behind Dispo, promises to use a form of generative AI to eliminate ghosting and get rid of small talk.

‘Dating apps today have endless small talk’, writes the team on the App Store. ‘We don’t want a penpal. We want to meet up and go on dates.

‘We decided to use the world’s most advanced AI technology to cut through the noise and get you straight to the part that matters: “Wanna get a drink? What’s your number?”.’

Many people have turned to online dating (Picture: Getty)

In this app, you don’t talk to a potential partner until your AI alter egos have had some time to get to know each other, and potential partners even receive a ghosting scale.

From there, you can review your AI conversation and decide to meet up – so although you will have to hope your ‘type’ likes you back, it’s trying its best to get rid of ghosting.

Mind, it may be a problem impossible to solve, given the app was unveiled last year but still isn’t available to the public.

Still, using AI to talk to potential partners is becoming a popular choice.

One man became an internet sensation after he programmed ChatGPT to talk to different women on Tinder. The bot allowed him to talk to 5,239 women over a year. 

‘I gave ChatGPT information about how I communicate,’ Alexander Zhadan told a Russian news outlet. 

‘At first, there were problems because the program didn’t know me, it could write some kind of nonsense, but later I trained it to such an extent that it began to interact with girls like me.’

It worked – he later proposed to one, erm, lucky woman.

Generative AI vs predictive AI

Generative AI

This type of AI involves training models to create original content from existing information, and are used by language models like Open AI’s ChatGPT.

This type of AI can create art, text and videos.

Predictive AI

This type uses predictive analytics.

It focuses on using data and machine learning algorithms to analyse patterns to predict future events or trends based on previous outcomes.

So, really it just depends on what you’re looking for. 

If you want a more curated way to find love, perhaps your best bet is to try apps that use forms of predictive AI which learn your type and can suggest people who you would be interested in. 

Alternatively, using chatbots could be a good way to tighten up your bios and cut the small talk, and if you have the skills, to create programs that chat to people on your behalf (if you don’t mind them finding out one day of course). 

But for those people who like being single and are looking for a good time without a hookup, perhaps a no-strings sexting session with an AI chatbot may be just what you need this Valentine’s Day.

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