
Church News | Benton County Enterprise


Warsaw Christian Church

Our church serves communion every Sunday. While we respect the differing practices found in various denominations, we like the weekly observance. Our salvation is ours only because Jesus went to the cross and shed His blood for us. Our good works do not save us. Our works are never good enough. Paul made that clear in Ephesians 2:8-9:  “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,  not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Salvation is a gift God gives us based on the shed blood of Jesus. We take the bread and the cup each Lord’s Day to remind us of that central truth. It is the heart of our worship service.


Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 7, Jesus talks to us about judging others. We often make judgements based on appearance and actions. When we determine a person’s value, it’s judgement and it’s wrong. Only God can determine someone’s value. We are not defined by the choices we make. We are judged only by the blood of the Creator. Jesus says, do not judge other people because the same way you judge others is how you will be judged.

Jesus gets us to envision the speck in one eye versus the guy with the telephone pole in his eye. If we have a plank in our own eye, can we really evaluate someone else? Sin affects every single one of us and we hardly ever look at our own sin because we want to look at other’s sin so we will feel better about ourselves. Stop judging other people! Why? Because we have no idea what that person is going through.

Jesus died on the cross for all sin! Jesus died on the cross for all and we should love them too! The Bible does not tell us to support sinful actions, but to support all people. Who are we to look at people and label them for things they have done, instead of coming alongside them to be part of the solution. It hurts and it is hard! No one ever said following Jesus would be easy! It might be the longest and the hardest road, but it is the way we are supposed to go! It takes practice, and following Jesus does not come to us all at once.

Jesus knows what is best for us and for the world! Who’s the one person you need to think about differently? The time has come to let go of the judgement. God loves that person, and He died on the cross for that person. He loves them and we should too! Our judgment of others is doing nothing to benefit the Kingdom of God! It’s time to love others and see them as Jesus sees them! We need Jesus to let this stuff go. God offers true forgiveness and God leads us to forgiveness.

Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Check out Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page Sunday mornings streaming live at 11:15 a.m.



Lincoln First Baptist Church


It was a great Lord’s day.  May everyone be blessed this week.  Attendance is holding steady.  We encourage everyone to attend church because you will and can receive a blessing. 

July 5-7 is Bible School.  July 8 is a family picnic at the park.  Still collecting items for camp.  Pray for the camps and all who are involved. 

Pastor Jesse’s message was from Genesis 37.  Pastor told the story of Joseph and what his brothers done to him.  Joseph said that his brothers would serve him and so the brothers sold him.  He eventually ended up serving in the palace of Potiphar the Pharaoh.  He served him well and ended up being second in command.  No matter what happened to him, he always was faithful to God.  Joseph interrupted Pharaoh’s dreams.  He ended up saving the people from starvation by telling of the 7 years of prosperity and the 7 years of famine. 

As Joseph stayed true to doing God’s will and following His word we need to also follow his example.  Always read your Bible and show yourself approved in knowing what God  wants you to do.  In doing so you will always be blessed by God.




Unity Of The Lakes


How will you celebrate 4th of July?  You may want to join us 7/2/23 at 11 am as our guest speaker Rev. Sandra Duncan presents “The Quest for Freedom’.  There is a freedom impulse imbedded in us.  We must be free to chose our own thoughts and speak our minds.  We must be free to chart out our destiny.  Remember freedom begins with a thought.  Our thoughts can imprison us or set us free.  The choice is ours.  This service is certain to help us make better choices and  improve as well as enhance our spiritual journey.  Unity of the Lakes is here to help anyone and everyone on their spiritual path.  Dress is casual and all are welcome.  We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65.  The AC is working and we look forward to seeing you.



From The Pastor’s Desk


Don’t Let the Heretics Interpret Scripture For You.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto the own understanding.

-Proverbs 3:5


One of my favorite sayings is that ‘the Bible has absolute authority over popes and preachers and Sunday school teachers’.

My good friend Pastor Ron Gross said to me years ago that ‘the Bible is a book of faith’. That simple statement has stuck with me all of these years.

While I cannot answer all of the alleged contradictions or even come close to explaining or understanding everything in the Bible, I believe that God preserved our English Bibles.

Many modern day scholars rip apart our English translations with their so-called knowledge of Hebrew, Greek and oral traditions. There is a possibility that they could be wrong and you have accepted their interpretations Also, they cannot prove their history lessons.

Other people put God in a box and disregard the teachings of scriptures. They put their reason above scriptures. I am fighting the urge to name names. 

I am Johnie J. Logue; pastor of Grace Baptist church at 31046 MM Hwy.




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