One-stop-shop to help save on the retail crime blight

RETAIL crime has been a plague on plenty of convenience stores this past year, and it is seemingly only getting worse.
The British Retail Consortium has recorded a 50% rise in the number of reports of abusive and violent crimes made against retail staff and the Scottish Grocers’ Federation has found that the average cost of retail crime for a store now sits at £12,164 per year.
And for Scotland in particular, retail crime had risen by over 20% in the year to June 2023, with 30,202 cases recorded by the police during the time period.
These worrying stats have, rightly, got store owners worried about their shops and their own safety when simply trying to carry out their jobs.
Therefore, investing in the right security tech can offer many peace of mind for the countless retail staff out there that fear the next incident and Connelly Security Systems (CSS) Group reckons its solution will offer this in spades and assist in fighting back against this disheartening crime wave.
The firm offers a one-stop-shop solution to over 30,000 customers, finding the right security tech that will best fit what retailers are looking for.

Including Intruder Detection Systems, CCTV & VSS Surveillance, Access Control, Door Entry, Fire Alarm Systems, Retail Tagging Systems and a SELECT accredited Electrical division for all testing and electrical works.
The firm also offers its innovative CSS Dis-Mist System, where intruders to the property are repelled by a dense mist in the store that instantly obscures their vision and forces them out of the store via their point of entry.
CSS claims this impressive piece of tech can help to repel a would-be thief for long enough until the police are able to attend the scene, without damaging stock on shelves, either.
And for retail stores in particular, CSS reckons its Electronic Article Surveillance should be of the utmost importance to help prevent shoplifting of items that have been tagged or labelled.
While plenty of store owners may be reluctant to make a considerable dip into the finances to cover these installations, CSS argues that the long-term investment will pay dividends in the long run and that there is no better way to save on money lost and offer peace of mind to staff.
Paul Connelly, chief executive at CSS Group, said: “The latest figures suggest theft going out the front door of retail businesses is no less than 3% of turnover and possible much higher.
“As the cost-of-living crisis continues, there is an element of society that are turning to theft who would previously never have considered doing so.
“Also, due to the lack of police service resources, business owners are having to mitigate the challenges of theft by taking a more proactive approach in protecting their stock.
“CSS has an offer that can quickly repay the investment in the Sensormatic systems by reducing stock loss for business owners that invest in these new technologies.”
To find out more about these solutions for yourself, scan the QR code here to discover more about the security solutions CSS can offer to ensure your store is safe.