
Donna Speciale on Fútbol, Football and Avoiding Strike-Related Upfront Upheaval

Can you tell us anything about early negotiations?
We talk to our clients on an ongoing basis. Discussions are happening. Upfront is here. It will definitely be a slower pace, only because of timing and people just not being ready. But conversations are happening and will be continuing for a while.

What message did you want marketers to take away from your presentation?
That ’22 was about transformation for us, and ’23 is about differentiation. [Pierluigi Gazzolo, CEO of Vix] talking about Vix and all the momentum that we have, and how thousands and thousands of hours in Spanish language is a very unique proposition that does not exist in our marketplace. We did a phenomenal job of showing how unique and different the Hispanic audience is, and what a tremendous growth driver it is for marketers in order for them to grow their business. Everybody left that one-hour show completely leaning in. That was the goal.

Looking back, is there anything you wish you could have done differently?
No. We had standing room, so the only thing would maybe be to have more chairs. The venue got bigger. We had huge attendance. Everybody stayed for the reception. If I could have made the space a little bigger so people could have been sitting, but it was exactly what I wanted to do.

You moved into a new venue this year, Pier 36. How did that compare to last year, and do you think you’ll stay?
To be determined. We went to Pier 36 because we did need a bigger space, and the fact that I had standing room, which is what happened the first time, we’ll see. It’s hard to find venues that week because a lot of them are taken, but it was a great space for us.

Will we see you and TelevisaUnivision back at upfront week next year?
We will be back. It’s really important for us. It’s our way of showcasing our audience to our marketers, who are not necessarily immersed in the culture on a day-to-day basis. This is our one time to shine a light on the Hispanic audience, and we will be back.


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