Artificial Intelligence

How Businesses Are Using Artificial Intelligence

According to a recent poll conducted by MHN, businesses are utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects of their operations. The poll showed that the most common use of AI among respondents is for marketing and outreach purposes. This is likely due to the versatility, cost-efficiency, and ease of use of tools such as chatbots, social media curation, and automated messages.

In a previous poll focused specifically on AI use in marketing strategies, it was found that outreach was the most popular application, with 38 percent of respondents utilizing AI for this purpose.

Following marketing and outreach, the poll revealed that the next popular uses of AI include data analysis, due diligence, and lease administration. Generative AI models have proven effective in analyzing market fundamentals, performing site selection, and even generating written content. Additionally, AI has also been used for more basic tasks that would typically be assigned to on-site property management staff, which is beneficial for understaffed or resource-constrained firms.

However, it is worth noting that a significant percentage (37 percent) of respondents stated that they are presently not using AI. This may be attributed to the novelty of AI technology and concerns about potential errors. It is also common for businesses to view AI as a supplementary tool rather than a complete replacement for key roles or services, creating some caution and hesitation.

To view the complete results of the poll, you can visit the link provided.


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