Stardew Valley has a myriad of quests to complete as you’re simultaneously tending to your growing farm, catching fish, and exploring the mines. Some quests give you access to exclusive content, and the Giant Stump quests are no different.
Both beginners and veterans of this farming simulator may completely miss the Giant Stump and Raccoon quests, but completing these tasks is worth it, as you become privy to a special shop with unique wares. They were introduced alongside the 1.6 update,. Here’s how to unlock and complete the Giant Stump Raccoon quests in Stardew Valley.
How to start the Giant Stump quests
Step 1: Unlock the greenhouse from completing the Pantry bundle at the Community Center. At the start of your game, the tree stump will be a full-grown tree in Cindersnap Forest and will require you to first have the greenhouse unlocked before this next random event can occur.

Step 2: Wait for a random night when you get the message that a huge windstorm hit Pelican Town.
Step 3: Head south to Marnie’s Ranch in Cindersnap Forest and walk left until you see a large tree stump with a question mark above it.

Step 4: You will now have to donate 100 Hardwood to repair the Giant Stump. Hardwood is available from Mahogany Trees and is easy to farm in the Secret Woods west of Cindersnap Forest.

How to complete the Raccoon Family quests
It’ll only take one day for the Giant Stump to be fixed up, and once that happens, you’ll see a Raccoon near the stump. You will now have to complete eight different requests for this Raccoon to unlock the exclusive shop.
Step 1: Request one: Five of either of these Crab Pot fish (Mussel, Clam, Periwinkle, Cockle, Crayfish, Snail, Oyster) and one random Smoked Fish (dependent on season). Your reward is 25 Carrot, Summer Squash, Broccoli, or Powdermelon seeds (dependent on season).

Step 2: Request two: One random Dried Fruit (dependent on season) and one random Jelly (dependent on season). Your reward is the Raccoon Journal. Reading this gives weeds a better chance to yield mixed seeds when harvested with a Scythe.
Step 3: Request three: One random Dried Mushroom (dependent on season), and five Cave Carrots, White Algae, or any eggs. Your reward is a Raccoon Hat.
Step 4: Request four: One random Pickle (dependent on season) and one random Juice (dependent on season). Your reward is five Fairy Dusts, which you can use on any equipment (furnaces, kegs etc.) to instantly get their creation.
Step 5: Request five: Two of any of these items chosen at random: 20 Bat Wings, 20 Bug Meat, four Coral, one Diamond, five Frozen Geodes, eight Geodes, three Ghostfish, three Magma Geodes, 10 Moss, one Rusty Spoon, two Sea Urchin, 99 Slime, three Topaz, or five Trash. Your reward is a Jungle Tank, a piece of furniture item for your home.
Step 6: Requests six, seven, and eight will repeat any of the first five requests at random. Your rewards for these requests will either be seven Fairy Dusts, one Book of Stars (gains you experience in all skills), or one Stardrop Tea.
Step 7: Once you’ve finally completed all eight requests for the Raccoons, you can now revisit the Giant Stump at any point to use the Raccoon wife’s shop. Instead of purchasing items with gold, you’ll have to trade items instead.

All items in Raccoon Wife’s shop
- Raccoon Journal (costs 999 Fiber)
- Mahogany Seed (costs 20 Coal)
- Raccoon Hat (costs 10 Mixed Seeds)
- Carrot Seeds (costs one Maple Seed)
- Summer Squad Seeds (costs 15 Sap)
- Broccoli Seeds (costs five Moss)
- Powdermelon Seeds (costs two Pine Cones)
- Mixed Seeds (costs one Cave Carrot)
- Fairy Dust (costs one Mystic Syurp)
- Jungle Tank (costs five Broken Glasses)
- Golden Mystery Box (costs three Mystery Boxes)
- Magic Rock Candy (costs 20 Golden Mystery Boxes)