
Light Up Your Lead Intelligence With Call Data 

The key to unlocking this wealth of information is call tracking, which illuminates how individual leads interact with the ads (both print and digital), keywords and campaigns that make your business’ phones ring. When you connect this source data to Google Analytics, Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising, you’ll see every step a buyer makes in their journey—each call and click side by side along their path to purchase.

Once you know which marketing efforts make your phones ring, how do you optimize every lead? After all, they aren’t cheap. At CallRail, we’ve been using AI-powered chat to surface actionable insights from customer calls and texts since 2016. Fast, accurate and automatic, AI is better than humans at optimizing marketing campaigns, qualifying leads and revealing sales coaching and training opportunities. It frees managers to motivate and analyze, marketers to market and salespeople to sell.

Turning on the lights 

You can learn a lot about customers and prospects once you have complete, multichannel and AI-powered lead intelligence. Here are some ways your business can illuminate insights. 

Reinvest in what’s working, reallocate what’s not. With call tracking, there’s no more guesswork about which offline tactics work. For example, if you’re receiving a high volume of calls from a truck wrap, you may consider turning the rest of your fleet into moving billboards. And if you find you’re spending money on certain keywords that aren’t driving leads, you could divert the spend to a tactic with proven ROI.

Learn from lead and customer texts, chats and forms. In addition to calls, you can map texts, chats and website form fills to each buyer’s journey. You can also use AI to listen for words and phrases like “manager” and “poor service” to zero in on issues that might lead to churn.

Fine-tune sales and marketing strategies with real-time AI. Use conversation insights surfaced by AI to adapt new sales and marketing strategies on the fly. For example, a home services company bidding heavily on “repair” keywords might notice more customers asking for “remodeling” and rethink some of their search spend. Or a bankruptcy law firm might notice an uptick and conversations about taxes, suggesting a potential new specialty.

Leave no lead behind. Once you’ve used lead intelligence to optimize your advertising strategies and spend, you need to make sure your team’s ready to convert leads to customers. When you use AI to automatically qualify callers, opportunities won’t slip between the cracks. Getting started is easy: Just identify criteria that signal leads to your sales organization. Form fills can trigger notifications to frontline teams so they give hot leads the attention they deserve. And because not all leads are created equal, you can use AI to prioritize and tag your highest value opportunities.

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