
Need an Insider’s Guide to Cannes Lions? ADWEEK’s 3-Part Podcast Series Has You Covered

• Every night before you go to sleep, “write down three things you learned that day that surprised you,” Paskalis said. You’ll return home with 15 insights to share with your colleagues.

• Use the Mediterranean vibe to think expansively and inclusively: “When you’re in the open air and you have a little rosé,” Zalis said, keep “an open mind and be willing to see the possibilities.”

• Bring some old-fashioned business cards—yes, the paper kind. “It’s the quickest way to make a connection,” Paskalis said. “You don’t have to sit there and try to bump phones.”

• Cannes means being on your feet and in the heat all day and all night. Wear comfortable shoes and, Kassan suggested, pack “lots of linen.”

Stream the new episode below, or listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora or iHeartRadio.


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