Ensuring the future of your winter fun in Kewaunee County is the goal of a new enterprise fund being suggested at Tuesday’s board of supervisors meeting. The fund was suggested by Kewaunee County Finance Director Paul Kunesh at the June 2nd Finance and Public Property meeting due to the increase in the revenues generated by the park and the need for those dollars to be used to replace equipment and make other improvements. The money remaining after all revenues, expenses, assets, and fund balances would go into the fund for future use at Kewaunee Winter Park. In the past, Kewaunee County Promotions and Recreation Director Dave Myers says all of the profit from Winter Park went into the county’s general fund. If major purchases arose, the county would have to place it in its budget and often provide matching dollars to the organization tasked with the park’s upkeep.
The Kewaunee County Board of Supervisors will also get to give their thoughts on the revelation that the bids for the new public safety facility came in over $7 million above what was originally planned. Even with the money from earned interest, payments from Dominion, and other dollars from the county’s general fund could help limit how much money is borrowed, approximately $3 million additional may need to be borrowed. If that occurs, taxpayers could see their contribution rise from 20 cents per $1,000 of property valuation to 35 cents. That would raise property tax bills by $70 a year over the next 20 years for a $200,000 home, up the original $40 projection. The topic is only a discussion item, meaning no votes will be taken on the issue.