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Not exactly ‘fair and balanced’ coverage – Chico Enterprise-Record

I’m confused. When the national price of gas hit $5.10 per gallon last year, and inflation hit 9.1%, Fox News hosts gleefully blamed it all on Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi (completely ignoring the fact that gas prices and high inflation were a global problem, and that the US fared much better than most other nations). But when the price of gas went down to $3.20 last month, unemployment hit a 50-year low, and the rate of inflation dropped by 30%, not a single Fox host credited Joe and Nancy for the improved numbers.  It’s almost as if they blame liberals whenever anything bad happens, and never give them credit for anything good, but that can’t be true because it would make a mockery of their “fair and balanced” credo. It’s a real stumper.

Oh, and on a totally unrelated subject, I have an exciting follow-up to a letter I wrote awhile back regarding the GOP mailing list I’m on: I have just been awarded the GOP Lifetime Achievement Award (based on my “outstanding contributions of patriotic significance to the conservative movement”), and, via “Official Presidential Certificate,” I’ve been officially chosen by Donald Trump as the Patriot of the Month (which is a “HUGE HONOR” since only one patriot is given this title per month). Of course, these honors were contingent on a financial contribution, because the only things the GOP values more than my patriotism and my loyalty are my gullibility and my wallet.

— Scott Paulo, Chico

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