Artificial Intelligence

Powering up Businesses with GPT Solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a popular and revolutionary technology in recent years. Many individuals and businesses are already taking advantage of its capabilities. Whether it’s using Waze for easier navigation, Spotify for personalized music recommendations, Google and YouTube for research purposes, or ChatGPT for content creation, AI is making our lives easier and more efficient.

The NextGen Organization of Women Corporate Directors (NOWCD) recently held a meeting on July 5 with the topic “AI TO ROI: Powering up your Business with GPT Solutions.” This event was sponsored by the events committee, including prominent individuals such as Gianna Montinola, Karen de Venecia, Teresa Javier, and Sherisa “Baby” Nuesa. The guest speaker at the meeting was Stephanie “Stef” Sy, the CEO of Thinking Machines (TM). TM is a data technology consultancy that specializes in developing customized AI solutions to unlock business value.

Stef discussed the ChatGPT application, which is a consumer-facing conversational AI developed by Open AI. Open AI is an R&D company based in San Francisco that was founded in 2015. ChatGPT has gained immense popularity since its release in November 2022 and currently boasts 100 million global users as of July 2023. It is a type of Large Language Model (LLM) trained on human speech from various sources on the internet.

LLMs, like ChatGPT, provide more natural responses compared to traditional software engineering. However, its output is less controllable. The “temperature” setting in ChatGPT can be adjusted to change the variety of the responses. LLMs have rapidly matured in various domains, particularly in text and code. Text-based LLMs can generate final drafts that may even surpass the quality of human or professional writers. On the other hand, LLMs for images and videos are still progressing but have the potential to produce final drafts superior to those created by professional artists, designers, and photographers.

The use of AI tools, especially those utilizing Generative AI, has become more accessible. In the past, only data analytics departments would typically leverage AI technology. However, the landscape has changed, and now various units within different industries, such as sales, operations, product development, and HR, are utilizing AI to streamline their work processes. Stef showcased examples of different industries successfully utilizing AI, including fraud detection in financial institutions, accelerated drug candidate identification for treatment, and advancements in education, automotive, and media sectors.

During the meeting, Stef and her team presented three live demonstrations of ChatGPT’s capabilities. These included an investment assistant with instant access to shareholder information and analyst research, a B2B sales assistant that answered customer queries and recommended suitable products, and an HR internal mobility assistant that assisted in exploring internal job opportunities and provided guidance for career advancement.

Although the benefits of AI are enormous, there are also concerns about its impact on jobs and society. Open AI CEO Sam Altman and historian Yuval Noah Harari discussed such concerns in interviews. Altman believes that AI will lead to the creation of new and better jobs, but emphasizes the need for regulation to mitigate potential adverse impacts. Harari highlights that AI is the first technology capable of generating new ideas without human intervention. However, this also raises concerns about the power it holds in influencing our choices and decisions.

Preparing the next generation for the AI-driven future is crucial. Harari suggests developing emotional intelligence, mental stability, and adaptability. The ability to reinvent oneself and embrace change will be essential in navigating the evolving landscape. Just as our ancestors once built durable stone houses, the ability to quickly adapt, like folding and moving tents, may be the key to success.

As we embrace the incredible benefits of AI, it’s important to remain cautious and mindful of its potential negative effects if left uncontrolled or misused. While the future may seem uncertain, we can find solace in trusting that there is a greater guiding force overseeing it all.


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