
Remote and hybrid working key factors in employment choices

More than two in five workers would consider changing their job even if it meant a pay cut if their remote working preferences were not facilitated, according to a survey.

The same survey found that 92 per cent of respondents said remote or hybrid working would be a key factor if they were changing their employer.

The findings are from the 2023 National Remote Working Survey by the University of Galway and the Western Development Commission. The survey involved 6,000 respondents being asked about their experience of remote working. It found that 59 per cent of respondents did hybrid working (sometimes working remotely and sometimes onsite) while 38 per cent worked fully remotely. Only 3 per cent worked fully onsite.

The results of the survey show that Irish workers now anticipate a continued embrace of the hybrid work model to better align with their lifestyles, said Allan Mulrooney, chief executive of the Western Development Commission.

Remote working has created novel ways to revive regions that have borne the brunt of depopulation and declining job prospects for many years, he said.

Of those with a hybrid work pattern, 35 per cent worked remotely three days a week and onsite for two. Next came 24 per cent who worked remotely two days a week and onsite three days. Then came 20 per cent, who worked remotely four days a week, and onsite for one day. Some 6 per cent worked remotely one day a week and onsite the rest.

The most popular days for working in the office were Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, in that order.

“For those who can work remotely or hybrid for at least some of the time, being able to do so now plays a critical role in employer and job choice,” said Prof Alma McCarthy of the University of Galway.

“Our investment in remote working infrastructure is paying dividends by helping to revitalise rural communities,” said the Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys. “Government policy and in particular the Connected Hubs initiative is supporting remote workers and employers, ensuring that we attract and retain talent and build a brighter future for our rural communities.”


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