The Max production deviates from the typical superhero formula, focusing instead on Oz Cobb’s rise as Gotham’s kingpin. The Penguin takes themes of power struggles and complex family dynamics from classic crime dramas like Goodfellas and The Sopranos but freshly reimagines them. Demonstrating, for example, that the world of organized crime truly has no winners.
One of the series’ greatest strengths lies in its stellar cast. Colin Farrell as Oz Cobb and Rhenzy Feliz as Victor Aguilar form a complex duo with undeniable chemistry. Cristin Milioti additionally delivers an award-worthy performance as Sofia Falcone.
Globally, The Penguin is the third most-watched HBO or Max debut season. The series’ success signifies a promising new era for DC, and fans—like myself—can’t wait to see what’s next. — Bianca Brutus
Honorable mentions: Shōgun (FX), What We Do in the Shadows, Season 6 (FX), Fallout (Prime Video), Presumed Innocent (Apple TV), Slow Horses, Season 4 (Apple TV), Bad Sisters, Season 2 (Apple TV)
Additional contribution from Bianca Brutus.