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The top Google Pixel tips of 2023

More and more, there are Android tips — and then there are Pixel tips.

Owning a Google Pixel phone has become a ticket of sorts to a uniquely top-tier type of Android experience. With Google’s pure vision for the way the operating system itself should work (and none of the experience-harming and often even privacy-compromising layers other device-makers love to lard into the software) — not to mention all the extra bits of exceptionally helpful Googley goodness that are available only in the Pixel environment — the Google Pixel increasingly represents Android at its best. And as anyone who’s spent any amount of time living with a Pixel can tell you, nothing else comes close to comparing.

That’s why I wanted to put together a special series of Pixel-specific tips to complement my collection of more general-interest Android tips from 2023. Increasingly, some of the most interesting and beneficial bits of Googley intelligence are relevant only to those of us who are actively palming Pixels. And if you’re lucky enough to be part of that group, you deserve to have the best Pixel experience possible.

So here, without further ado, are the most memorable Google Pixel tips from Android Intelligence over the past year. Read ’em, remember ’em, and then do yourself a favor and come check out my free (and freshly updated!) Pixel Academy e-course to treat yourself to an entire treasure trove of advanced Pixel knowledge.

2023’s top Google Pixel tips

12 awesome Android 14 gems for Google’s Pixel products

Android 14 may not look like much at first glance, but it’s packing some spectacular new possibilities for Google Pixel owners.

10 out-of-sight Google Pixel shortcuts worth surfacing

Take 10 seconds to get these hidden Pixel shortcuts in a place where you’ll see ’em, and you’ll save yourself endless time in the weeks and months ahead.

Got a Google Pixel Fold or Pixel Tablet? Find this secret setting this second

If you’ve got one of Google’s larger-screen Pixel gadgets, you’ll definitely want to dig up this phenomenal step-saver.

15 powerful tricks for your Google Pixel Clock app

Your Pixel phone’s Clock app is surprisingly smart and full of thoughtful features, but some of its most exceptional elements are all too easy to overlook.

10 powerful tricks for your Google Pixel Calculator app

Your Pixel phone’s calculator can do much more than you realize, too!

Bonus: 4 words that speak volumes about Google’s future Pixel plans

Some food for thought as we look forward to a new year: Could we be on the brink of a whole new era for the way Google Pixel phones are presented?

Hey, thanks for making the most of your precious Pixel with me over the past 12 months. Stay tuned for even more Pixel pondering in 2024!

Don’t let yourself miss an ounce of Pixel magic. Sign up for my free Pixel Academy e-course to discover tons more hidden features and time-savers for your favorite Pixel phone — on demand and anytime you want.

Copyright © 2023 IDG Communications, Inc.


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