Resin driveways can be very similar to concrete driveways at first glance. However, the differences are noticeable, and resin driveways are often considered one of the more useful driveway material choices for a few key reasons.
However, the installation is always the part that people struggle with. While you might have heard dozens of examples of why resin driveways are good, getting one installed can sound intimidating. Here is what you need to know about resin driveways before you start the project.
Resin is Smooth (But Not Always)
Concrete or asphalt driveways are not inherently smooth due to the nature of how they are poured. Gravel driveways are obviously not smooth either since they are made up of individual rocks and stones that are scattered out over the driveway area.
Resin is usually a lot smoother, especially with the right coatings. While the resin itself may still have bumps, they will still be part of the smooth surface rather than an accident, which usually makes the resin surfaces a lot smoother than any other option.
Resin-bound systems are even smoother than non-resin-bonded systems since the latter uses gravel to intentionally create a coarse surface. However, both of these are still effective, so it depends entirely on your personal preferences
Resin is Flexible
Concrete and asphalt surfaces are much less flexible. They are not designed to handle a lot of movement or change, and this is one of the reasons why they can get cracks and why they are so limited in the ways that you can have them installed.
Resin, by contrast, is a lot more flexible. Not only can it be installed over the top of any existing surface, but it can even be installed on slopes and curved areas. Cracks are still a concern, but they are far less likely to occur if the resin driveway is installed in a smart way that actually makes sense for the space.
Resin also has the benefit of being easier to work with in general when trying to create specialized driveway spaces, which can make it a better option if your driveway needs to curve in specific ways or requires a certain shape.
Resin is Long-Lasting (If You Treat It Well)
If you use it incorrectly, resin can easily be one of the weaker materials you use for a driveway – but using the right maintenance methods can make it just as long-lasting as concrete and asphalt options.
This is most notable with the weights that you place on it. Resin driveways are ideal for lightweight vehicles, so sticking to only using lightweight options when possible can make a difference. If you avoid overloading the resin with excess weight, it can last for a surprisingly long time.
Beyond that, resin is also generally quite good at handling different weather conditions. A well-made resin driveway can withstand both extreme cold and heat and will not suffer cracks in the same way that other driveway materials do after expanding or contracting in the heat/cold.
Resin Allows Custom Designs
One of the biggest reasons that many people choose a resin driveway over other options is the design variety it can offer. Resin can be used to create all kinds of custom symbols and specialized designs, from stylish patterns to business logos, and that makes it perfect for anybody who wants a driveway with some aesthetic flare.
This can make resin a great choice if you care about having a good-looking driveway, especially if normal materials can’t give you the color or pattern that you want. Of course, if you want to keep the designs looking good, you need to properly maintain the driveway.
This variety of design options makes resin driveways the ideal choice for any complex design. Given that resin already works well as a driveway material, being able to choose a fully custom design and color scheme only makes it even more of a worthwhile option.
Resin Can Work Well for a Variety of Properties
Resin works well for both residential and commercial properties and even sees some use in industrial properties in areas where heavy machinery is not needed. While resin does have flaws, such as being poor at handling heavier vehicle weights, it offers a good range of benefits that make it a great general-purpose driveway material.
Since driveways can be more than just a straight line from a property’s edge to a garage area, resin can also be used for things like connections between car parks or car-friendly access paths between buildings.
The ability to put custom designs on resin surfaces has made it popular for commercial buildings that want more places to display their logo and also allows it to have some extra uses in industrial spaces. Of course, this all depends on the business itself and their specific needs.
Resin Makes for Easy Repairs
Last but not least, resin driveways have a surprisingly low risk of getting damaged if you are not putting excess weight on them. Even if it is damaged, resin driveways are often easier to repair than most other options, especially if you still have the installation company on hand to do the repair work.
This even includes situations where a large part of the driveway is missing or damaged. A patch repair can often do the trick when fixing resin driveways, even if it will need to be sealed up later to make it more durable and allow it to last longer before needing any serious replacements.
Under the right circumstances and with proper care, it is possible to have a resin driveway for over 20 years with only light repairs needed.
Resin Driveways are Easily Available
It is relatively easy to get resin driveways installed if you are working with a professional resin driveway company or contractor, whether that is the best local resin driveway company Middlesbrough can offer or a separate service from a general driveway company.
You will always be able to find a resin driveway company that can install it, and sometimes, there are even companies that specialize in resin driveways, offering a wide range of styles and colors. Of course, like anything, you will want to explore your options and choose the company that suits your needs the most.