Artificial Intelligence

Why Artificial Intelligence won over Metaverse | by Technology Trend Curious | Technology Hits | Nov, 2023

2015 was a breakthrough year for AI deep learning by achieving the lowest error rate, yet.

Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

Two of the most fascinating technologies under development at the moment are artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse. Metaverse is still in its early stages, even though AI is now being used in many different businesses. But, Metaverse has recently taken a backseat to AI in the most recent flurry of AI activity at big tech and others. Despite renaming Facebook to Meta almost 2 years ago, in March 2023, Meta announced shifting R&D focus from Metaverse to artificial intelligence (AI). This has raised questions about readiness of AI versus Metaverse for the consumer market. Here, I will mention some of the challenges in developing the Metaverse and try to explain why AI is easier to develop.

Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

Since software is the primary tool for developing, implementing and testing of AI models, it also has become the focus of AI development. AI can be used in software development to expedite testing, generate code more quickly and efficiently, and automate manual tasks. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are progressively extending into new domains and discovering new uses in well-established businesses. The concepts for AI have been around for decades. However, the accessibility of AI development has increased due to the availability of software tools, frameworks, and datasets. Today, pre-built models are available for developers to utilize and incorporate seamlessly into their apps. On the other hand, creating the Metaverse is a very complicated and a recent idea. For developers, creating a virtual world with millions of users interacting simultaneously presents a big challenge.

One of the biggest challenges in developing the Metaverse is creating a seamless user experience. A accurate replica of the real environment must be created by developers in order to produce this seamless experience. Large R&D budgets and cutting-edge technologies, such augmented and virtual reality (AR) headsets, along with every component technologies are needed for this.


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